The Solus Way
A guide to living with intention, presence, and purpose in a chaotic world.
Find meaning in the now, and strength in who you already are.
The Solus Way offers universal guidance for living a fulfilled, meaningful, and open life in a world that is often messy, temporary, and chaotic.
These principles for life are not about attaining perfection—they’re about presence, progress, and embracing your individual experience in every moment.
Be Here Now.
Consider how much time has gone before you and the infinite chasm of time ahead. The present moment of 'now' is the only reality; everything else is an illusion. Learn to embrace and appreciate the transience of the time your existence inhabits. Like a flowing river, time will pass you regardless, don't attempt to hold onto it, instead move with it and remain mindful of 'now'.
Become by Being.
You don’t need titles, degrees, or permission to be who you want to be. You just need to start. Take those first steps. Act boldly, think freely, and let go of the limits imposed by labels. Creativity and courage come from dropping the barriers.
Be Kind.
Smile, say thank you, and spread kindness—it always finds its way back.
Do Things for Their Intrinsic Value.
Don’t ask, “What does a good person do?”—instead, focus on being a good person right now. Do things not because they bring external rewards, but because they are good in themselves. The reward to much of life is in the journey/the act, not in the external outcome. When you focus on being the best person you can be, the results will follow as a natural byproduct.
Don’t aim for an ‘A’ because you need it—aim for it because you want to learn, grow, and perform to your highest potential. This removes unnecessary pressure and shifts your focus inward, where true motivation and fulfilment live. Results come from being your best, not chasing external validation.
Keep Moving Forward.
Build something meaningful. Stay curious. Keep learning, growing, and exploring. Fulfilment isn’t a destination; it’s a lifelong process.
Change Your Perspective.
Every challenge is an opportunity. Something that you 'get to do'. The gym isn’t a chore—it’s self-care. Rain isn’t an inconvenience—it’s simply a moment of wetness. As with many downturns in life, there always is a light at the end of the tunnel. Remember that you will get dry. Life is what you choose to make and think of it.
Find Joy in Awareness.
Anything that brings you closer to the present moment is worth it. Serve others, serve yourself, and find meaning in the process.
Memento Mori.
Remember: you will die. Nothing is as big or permanent as it seems. Fear less. Live fully. In the end, the only thing we take with us is how we lived and loved. The ripples we create via our actions are felt far beyond the initial act itself. Make these ripples whilst you still can.
Trust Your Gut.
Your inner voice matters more than the opinions of others. If it feels distant, reconnect: breathe, write, move, or step outside. You already have the answers—learn to quieten the mind and simply listen.
Care Less About Them, More About You.
Stop worrying about what others think. Focus on how you see yourself. People are far more preoccupied with their own lives than yours—free yourself from their perceived judgment. The same goes for praise, why would you value the praise and flattery from the crowd when they don't even know themselves in the first place? Judgement and praise are therefore nothing more than meaningless noise.
Let Go of What No Longer Serves You.
Pain is temporary. Wasted energy and time is forever. Cut what drains you and invest in what fuels you.
Be Brave. Speak Your Truth.
Take risks. Say what you mean. Kiss that person, express love, and appreciate the fleeting nature of every moment. Life is a movie, but in this case, there is no rewind option, merely the passing moments of 'now'. We are simultaneously our own director, audience, and main character; make of that what you will.
Do the Hard Things First.
'Eat the frog.' Be honest with yourself and tackle the tough tasks head-on. Thank yourself later.
Wake Up and Live.
Make your bed. Face the day. Life is for living, not just existing.
Therapy is for Everyone.
You don’t have to be broken to benefit from therapy. Speak your doubts aloud—most fears shrink in the light of expression.
Question the Rules.
Society’s rules aren’t your rules. Let go of what doesn’t fit. Create your own path.
Act, Even if It’s Imperfect.
Don’t let the pursuit of perfection paralyze you. Take imperfect action—it beats no action every time. Move forward, then refine as you go.
Stuck? Move.
Get outside. Nature, fresh air, and movement clear the mind and reset the soul.
Criticism is a Mirror.
Reflect on it. It’s either a truth you need to hear or a projection you can acknowledge and ignore. Learn to tell the difference.
Humour Holds Truth.
Listen closely to what’s said in jest—it often reveals what people truly think.
This Too Shall Pass.
When life feels heavy, remember: it’s temporary. You will be okay. Move, breathe, and keep going. The Japanese notion of 'Mono No Aware' refers to the appreciation and awareness of the impermanence of each fleeting moment. Above every cloud, the sun is always shining.
Never Decide When You’re Hungry, Sad, or Horny.
Enough said.
Know Your Limits.
Try things once, but don’t let habits rule you. Stay conscious of why you do what you do.
Curate Your Circle.
Surround yourself with people who inspire, challenge, and uplift you. Talk about ideas, art, and life. Gossip less—it’s just noise.
Speak No Evil.
Judge yourself, but be kind and patient with others.
Serve the Greater Good.
What’s good for the hive is good for the bee. Seek collective benefit in your actions, your purpose here is to serve.
Be Honest. Always.
Especially with yourself. Truth is the foundation of freedom.
Shape Your World.
Your thoughts and words create your experience of reality. Be kind to yourself and choose them wisely.
Learn to Say No.
No to time wasters, to excuses, to fear. But say yes to anything that excites you and makes you nervous. There's never a 'right time' to do anything, act now.
Have Role Models.
Learn from those who’ve walked this path before you. Your experience is both uniquely your own, but the struggles are bound to have been experienced by another in time. Books, interviews, podcasts, whatever it is - learn from the past to better your future.
Dream, Plan, Act, Reflect.
Set intentions. Act on them. Review your progress regularly and adjust.
Fail Often, Learn Always.
Failure only occurs if you don't learn. Failure is not the opposite of success—it’s a step towards it. Take calculated risks, learn, grow, move on.
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.
Knowledge is power. Seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Never stop learning. Curiosity makes life endlessly fascinating.
The Answer Is Within.
Society tells you to search outside, but everything you need is already inside you - it always has been. Don't attempt to connect the dots looking forward, trust the process and enjoy the journey, comfortable in knowing that all will make sense when you look back.
Take Baby Steps.
Even the greatest tree starts from a small acorn. Nothing sustainable happens overnight. Small, consistent action results in massive change over time. 1% progress each day adds up to insurmountable growth.
This is The Solus Way—a way of living with meaning, presence, and purpose.
One life, live it. Be here now.
P.S. If you figure out how to master all of this, let us know—we’re all learning.